الاثنين، 30 مارس 2015

يا ثورة ما تمت : محاولة إجبار عمرو عبد الهادى على إمضاء إستمارة تمرد وا...

اهلا بكم في مدونه الثائر الحق

الأحد، 29 مارس 2015

عمرو عبدالهادي: نحن على بُعد أسابيع من إسقاط الانقلاب.. ولكن بشرط

الجمعة، 27 مارس 2015

عمرو عبد الهادي - كلمة حق (48) - ما وراء إتفاق سد النهضة ونظرة عامة على الاوضاع

اهلا بكم في مدونه الثائر الحق

الأربعاء، 18 مارس 2015

Amr Abd Elhady writes who said .. shit Egypt !!!

When I read this article in 2006 to the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time Mahdi Akef, I almost tear this newspaper and no secret to anyone that I momentarily hated the press and Mahdi Akef together , and after I kept my nerves quit I sat down to read the full dialogue , and I found the opportunistic journalist and between automatic Mahdi Akef and what can be absorbed reluctantly and as you can to one percent of Egyptians understanding of the non- Muslim Brotherhood , not much different from what he said Mahdi Akef, what he's meant nationalists of Arab nationalism and the largest home before they divide agreement " Sykes-Picot " And those of Arab nationalism Gamal Abdel Nasser tried to revive (just words) consumption People and even applied with Syria under one banner and failed. But realistically did not see the embodiment of the phrase " shit Egypt," but in the era of Sisi , and although Mahdi Akef has uttered under the folds of the dream of the Islamic Caliphate , however, Sisi applied literally for himself and nineteen residents military council , the manipulation of Egypt and its reputation not only to build the laurels for himself but to build fortresses were holed up and his officers and extend the default age in governance and to shelter themselves from the oppression of the revolution and the revolutionaries .Sisi has said " shit Egypt," when he was appointed his sons and daughters in the reign of Hosni Mubarak's positions do not deserve it . Sisi has said " shit Egypt,"when he told Hosni Mubarak You Dad spiritual . Sisi has said " shit Egypt," when he agreed on the export of gas and imported from Israel . Sisi has said " shit Egypt," when he threw Constitution and its president and its army demolished Sisi has said " shit Egypt," when he flirts Cyprus and Greece with our maritime border in spite of Erdogan . Sisi has said " shit Egypt," when he went out to us with the ( meatballs device) Sisi has said "shit Egypt" , when the Sinai forcibly cleared of its inhabitants Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he boarded the plane to take the Saudi rice(money) Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he betrayed the Egyptian people in the project of Million Apartment Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he opened an office in his ministry to the Committee of the UAE custody Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he besieged Gaza to help Israel Sisi has said "shit Egypt" and the Arabs when he admitted that East Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he hit Libya Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he begged 40 billions on behalf of Egypt Sisi has said "shit Egypt", when he confessed to the Sudan for Halayib and Shalateen Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he blessed renaissance Dam and helped Ethiopia to build it Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he jailed the sons of Egypt and her scientists and students, and he bared her daughters Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he hired dancers to promote Egypt Sisi has said "shit Egypt" when he trimmed the Suez Canal project from channel to shunt Sisi has said "shit Egypt" and the people of Egypt and the history of Egypt, but you , O elite artificial you can not say that or insinuated or think about it , machine of oppression reap headers that blossomed as uttered by Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf and carried out by -Sisi with his supporters before his anti , even if this heads are those of the owners of tattoos and do not walk but with the sole of their wives.
عمرو عبد الهادي يكتب : مين الي قال طظ في مصر !!
