الجمعة، 27 نوفمبر 2015
قوى معارضة : نثمن دعوة 6 ابريل للاصطفاف و لكن ...
الخميس، 26 نوفمبر 2015
الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2015
الثلاثاء، 24 نوفمبر 2015
السبت، 21 نوفمبر 2015
عمرو عبد الهادي يكتب لعربي 21 : السحرة كتير!!
بعد انقلاب 3 يوليو كان الحاشدون لمظاهرات 30 يونيو لا زالوا يشعرون بانتصارها، وبعد مجزرة الساجدين بدأوا يستشعرون الخوف على أنفسهم، ثم بعد مجزرة المنصة التي كانت واضحة وضوح الشمس؛ أيقنوا أن رقابهم سيأتي دورها، لا مفر، ولذا كان موقف أغلبهم من فض رابعة رافضا له، وهو ما يحسب لهم لا عليهم. وإلى جانب هذا السيناريو السياسي، كان السيناريو الإعلامي يدار بالطريقة ذاتها تقريبا، ولكن بطريقة أشد خطرا. فبدأ بعض الذين حشدوا لـ30 يونيو؛ بالانتشار في وسائل الإعلام التي كانت في ذلك الوقت هي التي تنقل الحقيقة منذ مجزرة الحرس الجمهوري، وبدأوا بالانتشار رويدا رويدا، عبر مذيعين ومعدين ومصورين وضيوف.. إلخ. في البداية كانوا على استحياء، لا يستطيعون الإدلاء بدلوهم، فكانوا يصمتون نهائيا متحفزين، لدرجة أن أحد هؤلاء الحاشدين لـ30 يونيو كان ضيفا جالسا على شاشة إحدى القنوات يتحدث عن الانقلاب العسكري دون أدنى مسؤولية ودون أي قدر من المبادئ، سواء هو أو من أعطاه المنبر، برغم خطئه السياسي في التصعيد ضد حكم محمد مرسي ورؤيته الضحلة سياسيا، وكان جالسا محللا واعظا، بينما نحن نُضرب في الميادين أو محبوسين في منازلنا ننتظر الاعتقال. وبرغم ذلك، كان هؤلاء المعدون والضيوف ينظرون إلى الذين رفضوا 30 يونيو حينها بعين الانكسار، ويتساءلون في أنفسهم: كيف لك أن تعرف أن هذا الحشد لـ30 يونيو سيتم القفز عليه؟ وكيف لك أن تعرف أن هذا الحشد سيكون في مصلحة العسكر. ورويدا رويدا، وخوفا من أن تقوم بكشفه للجميع، بدأ يلعب ألعابا خبيثة. فمنهم من استبق الكلام عن فتح قناة، وحينما فتحها قام بإقصاء من قاوموا 3 يوليو. وكانت بداية هذا المخطط حينما بدأ المعد "الإكس" إخوان، أو من شارك في 3 يوليو، بتقديم أوراق أصدقائه من التيار ذاته واحدا تلو الآخر، حتى يصبحوا فريقا داخل كل القنوات، ويستطيع كل منهم أن يكون متحكما في برنامج ويمنع ويمنح. وتحت يافطة المهنية التي لا تستطيع الكلام معه عنها، وبحكم عمله، يأتي بضيوف في البرامج يضرون بالقضية. فعلى مستوى الضيوف كانت اللعبة الأخبث على الإطلاق. فحينما يضطر هذا المعد أو المسؤول أن يستضيف أحدا من رافضي الانقلاب، يأتي بمن لا يستطيع التعبير جيدا عن القضية، وإن أُجبروا على أن يأتوا بمن يستطيع أن يتحدث، فيجب أن يكون من التيار الإسلامي حتى يجعلوا المواجهة مستمرة وطرفاها عسكر وإسلاميين، وكأنهم أحبوا واستساغوا المعيشة في الغربة، وأنهم بنوا حياتهم المقبلة بين لندن وباريس وأمريكا وبلاد السند والهند، ولا يتطلعون إلى العودة إلى مصر في يوم من الأيام. وإن اضطروا يوما أن يستضيفوا ضيفا ليبراليا ليواجه الضيف الذي يمثل العسكر والانقلاب، فيحاولون إرهاق الفقرة بالضيوف. فقد كنت يوما ضيفا على أحد البرامج، فوجدت أربعة ضيوف من حركات متنوعة، كلهم ضد الإخوان، ومع ما حدث في 30 يونيو و3 يوليو، ما جعلني أسجل اعتراضي على الهواء، نظرا لعدم توزيع الوقت بحيادية، وهذه كانت احدى الألعاب الخبيثة. وهناك فريق آخر هرول ليستحوذ على موقع الكتروني أو قناة، ثم يحاول أيضا إبراز أشخاص جدد يفيدون تياره، دون النظر لأي اعتبارات أخرى، لدرجة أنني أصبحت أرى بعض المقالات والآراء لأشخاص لا أعرفهم، وكأن كل من لديه صديق في موقع ينال تلك النافذة ليخاطب أصدقاءه على صفحته التي لا يتعدى وجودهم عليها أحيانا المئات بل العشرات، وهو لمن لا يعلم نوع خبيث لتسويف القضية، فبدلا من أن تبحث عن آراء السياسيين، مع حفظ الألقاب، أمثال طارق الزمر، ويحيى حامد، ومحمد محسوب، وسيف عبد الفتاح، وأيمن نور، وحاتم عزام ووائل قنديل، وإبراهيم يسري، وعمرو عبد الهادي... إلخ، وكل من هم موجودون على الساحة قبل الانقلاب يرفضونه، وتثق بهم، تجد أمامك آراء أ. ب. س. ص.. وأنا لست ضد هذا النهج بالمناسبة، ولكن وهو يفعل ذلك، يطيح بالسياسيين الذين أيقنوا الحق وقت أن كانوا هم يمارسون الباطل ضدك، وهي معركة من معارك الوعي التي تحتاج جهدا في البحث من الصامدين على القضية وعلى الدرب. فقبل أن تتابع قناة جديدة أو موقعا جديدا، تأكد عزيزي هل من تثق بآرائهم ومن هم على الدرب معك؟ ومن دلوك على الدرب الصحيح منذ البداية مستمرون ومتواجدون على الشاشة مثلهم مثل غيرهم؟ وبذات قدر من هو قادم من 30 يونيو، أم تقلص دورهم لصالح هؤلاء الجدد؟ وإن لم يكن هذا المعيار متوفرا، فتأكد أن تلك النافذة الإعلامية خلقت ليأخذوك بعيدا عن قضيتنا بدرب من دروب السحر الإعلامي. وكما قال الدكتور محمد مرسي: "السحرة كتير" https://twitter.com/Arabi21News/status/66791914
الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2015
الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2015
دينا رامز تسب عمرو عبد الهادي لتعليقه على بوتين و حادثة الطائرة
الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015
Amr Abd Elhady Writes : Alignment! Are you kidding me!
One of my followers searched in my archive and found a tweet for me that was published in 22 November 2013 – seven days after leaving Egypt. In that tweet, I was calling for the alignment among all different components of January revolution to face the coup. After every sacrifices made by the revolutionaries in the streets I used to used all kinds of media to call for alignment and kept saying no freedom without alignment. I kept advising January revolutionaries to go down to the streets and stay together to let people forget what they did and to prove that they were worth to lead. When we started ( we're the solution ) initiative at 17th January 2015 the main target was to assure those youth who participated in 30 June that after the fall of the coup Egypt would remain a civilian country and no one would be excluded. I tried to evoke them to share the revolutionaries in the streets, but unfortunately, they were afraid of and kept silent.
Alignment should be based upon equality not duplicity. Should be based on sacrificing and appreciating, not just in media and nothing after that! In fact, this is what happened and what we saw after relaunching Al-Sharq channel. That channel was closed as a revolutionary channel and we hoped it will remain so after the new launch, but it let us down. We thought it would support the alignment by preparing peoples minds to accept it, and by trying to convince the revolutionaries in the street not just to accept it, but also to call for it in their demonstrations. Now as we can see the channel exposes the alignment by media speech, which has nothing to do with reality. As a matter of fact, the big seven political symbols gathering around Dr. Ayman Noor and despite of being political outstanding figures, I didn`t permit to anyone to talk on behalf of me. However, at the end and after all we did not get from them except (the ten document) that was done in the same way they used to blame President Mohamed Morsy for before the coup. However, why they`re blaming him while they were running that period with the president Mohamed Morsy and were responsible just like him! They used to say they were in touch with president Morsi and were giving him advices and instructions until the coup happened. With all due respect to all of them as some of them sacrificed in varying degrees may be less or more than we did but the exclusivity of the scene is just to the political opportunism.
I remind them that the youth have great vision and do many sacrifices unequalled to what those political divisions on TV channels do. Politicians who get tricked by speech will lead us definitely to a disaster. Although Al-sharq channel calls for alignment at every moment, it seems that they themselves have been tricked by this alignment and can`t reach the rebels of both sides. We saw the return of Wael Ghonem and how he put the whole responsibility of the coup upon the Brotherhood organization. I was hoping if he would talk to the rebels who were in the streets since 30th of June and write that without their resistance there would not be any revolution for us to talk about.
On the other hand, I find the speech of 6th of April on their page is so shocking. Although their symbols are in jail and we all have pity on them, their speech is very bumptious towards brotherhood and the strugglers in the streets. That speech didn't save them from being arrested and followed by el Sisi and the counterrevolution!
In fact, those people didn't learn the lesson from the fighter Abd el rahman yousif, who supported the 30th of June but he didn't hesitate to support the right party when he realized that the 3rd of July would lead to a coup. Although the supporters of legality firstly attacked his writings against the coup and el Sisi as they considered him one of the reasons of the coup, he resisted and didn`t pay attention to what they said and didn`t return to the wrong way. Instead, he continued fighting until he became a resistance icon for rebels in the streets and his writings turned to be a compass to show them the revolution way. Perhaps I have mentioned these examples to let the youth see the truth through this wonderful poet who has afforded so much.
Dear new aligned, the alignment isn`t as much complicated as chamberlain's codes! Revolutionaries in the streets hate you because you misused freedom and helped in ousting president Mohamed Morsi, and now you should fight the dictatorship that you brought in 3rd of July to reconcile with yourself first before reconciling with others. Believe me no one can protect you from this oppressed people nether brotherhood nor liberal. Relieving speech will not protect you; just your deeds can save you from the expected wave of rage. I was one of the people who was hurt because of calling for alignment and am still struggling, but at least help us until we get you and Egypt to the safe shore. We will not help you if you do not want to help yourself first. Disease to be cured needs determination and willingness, and so alignment, needs only a fair speech reaches to the core of arrested and martyrs parents and families. Confess they were heroes and consider it the last call to save what is remaining from the liberalism -which I belong to- and to save other trends.
May god be witness upon this.
الخميس، 12 نوفمبر 2015
الأحد، 8 نوفمبر 2015
السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015
عمرو عبد الهادي يكتب : الحلف السعودي الذي لن يكتمل

الخميس، 5 نوفمبر 2015
الأربعاء، 4 نوفمبر 2015
الثلاثاء، 3 نوفمبر 2015
Amr Abd Elhady Writes : Ridiculing fools
I kept thinking about how Rebel movement and Sisi`s media psychologically dealt with President Morsi before the coup, I wanted to know how they could morally assassinate him. I remembered how they meanly used the word ( spare), despite it was a common word, we found it hard to accept it because of our decent social breeding and because we used to act respectfully in general political democratic ways with our opponents. So we couldn't accept this word like we didn`t accept other offending words like ( killer, thug, dictator and fascist) which we could completely negate them in the media.
I remember my meeting with Ahmed Doma in Sada Al-balad channel with the remnant broadcaster Rola Kharsa. In this meeting Mrs. Mona Sami - Shura member at that time - left the the meeting and I continued alone defending president Morsi and brotherhoods. In fact no one cursed Dr. Morsi by bad words and no one cursed his father or his mother because he was real decent man. Even though, they were able to oust him after one year by using tricky and intelligent ways. As for Sisi, people called him by horrible words and for sorry we all did and imitated those whom we thought they were good people before knowing they were pushed up by Sisi himself to Stultify the case by acting as if they were morally assassinating him. In fact, they were reducing the value of our own case! . Sisi was cursed so much but this didn't make him leave, instead, he is beginning his third year in ruling Egypt. He is still selling Egypt piece after piece. He even went further by selling all the Arabian nation, he admitted Al-Quds as a capital of Israel and east of it as the capital of Palestine. He agreed Bashar to continue ruling Syria, while Saudi Arabia ,Qatar and Turkey are refusing that. He also took one step back from Yemen before full normalization with Huthis to keep some little good relationship with Saudi Arabia.
After 28 months from the beginning of the coup I can say that we have succeeded in depleting economy of Mubarak regime by the help of Sisi himself. Depleting the economy started by Tantawy, as the cash reserve reduced at his time to be 18 billions instead of 35 billions. At the time of president Morsi economy was stable, but after the coup it started to be worse, the pound lost its value in front of the dollar, tourism collapsed because of what is called “ the war against the terrorism”. Nationalizing properties of brotherhoods and bad economic measures which help corruption and monopoly caused efflux of investors. It was also caused by the absence of security in the streets and explosions made either by the regime or by Sinai State . But Sisi is still the major reason of collapsing economy by insisting to give the army the full domination over the economy. I can say that we most succeeded in the economic file, so all those who oppose the coup have to cooperate in this file by raising campaigns to urge people to take their money from banks and change it to gold, immovables or even dollars. We - politicians -have to think about such files and leave cursing to revolutionaries and people. Also we have to reject fool politicians because they may stultify our case before stultifying Sisi!