I kept thinking about how Rebel movement and Sisi`s media psychologically dealt with President Morsi before the coup, I wanted to know how they could morally assassinate him. I remembered how they meanly used the word ( spare), despite it was a common word, we found it hard to accept it because of our decent social breeding and because we used to act respectfully in general political democratic ways with our opponents. So we couldn't accept this word like we didn`t accept other offending words like ( killer, thug, dictator and fascist) which we could completely negate them in the media.
I remember my meeting with Ahmed Doma in Sada Al-balad channel with the remnant broadcaster Rola Kharsa. In this meeting Mrs. Mona Sami - Shura member at that time - left the the meeting and I continued alone defending president Morsi and brotherhoods. In fact no one cursed Dr. Morsi by bad words and no one cursed his father or his mother because he was real decent man. Even though, they were able to oust him after one year by using tricky and intelligent ways. As for Sisi, people called him by horrible words and for sorry we all did and imitated those whom we thought they were good people before knowing they were pushed up by Sisi himself to Stultify the case by acting as if they were morally assassinating him. In fact, they were reducing the value of our own case! . Sisi was cursed so much but this didn't make him leave, instead, he is beginning his third year in ruling Egypt. He is still selling Egypt piece after piece. He even went further by selling all the Arabian nation, he admitted Al-Quds as a capital of Israel and east of it as the capital of Palestine. He agreed Bashar to continue ruling Syria, while Saudi Arabia ,Qatar and Turkey are refusing that. He also took one step back from Yemen before full normalization with Huthis to keep some little good relationship with Saudi Arabia.
After 28 months from the beginning of the coup I can say that we have succeeded in depleting economy of Mubarak regime by the help of Sisi himself. Depleting the economy started by Tantawy, as the cash reserve reduced at his time to be 18 billions instead of 35 billions. At the time of president Morsi economy was stable, but after the coup it started to be worse, the pound lost its value in front of the dollar, tourism collapsed because of what is called “ the war against the terrorism”. Nationalizing properties of brotherhoods and bad economic measures which help corruption and monopoly caused efflux of investors. It was also caused by the absence of security in the streets and explosions made either by the regime or by Sinai State . But Sisi is still the major reason of collapsing economy by insisting to give the army the full domination over the economy. I can say that we most succeeded in the economic file, so all those who oppose the coup have to cooperate in this file by raising campaigns to urge people to take their money from banks and change it to gold, immovables or even dollars. We - politicians -have to think about such files and leave cursing to revolutionaries and people. Also we have to reject fool politicians because they may stultify our case before stultifying Sisi!